Name and Format: Cacao (Blendfeel) – Concentrated flavour 10 ml – received by the manufacturer
Batch: 1945500010003
Nico: 3 mg/ml
Used Base: 50 PG / 45 VG / 5 H2O
Expiry date: 10/28/2021
Devices: ExVape Expromizer V3 Fire RTA single coil 1.10 ohm (Kanthal A1 28 AWG) + Flash e-Vapor 4.5s RTA single coil 0.85 ohm (Kanthal A1 27 AWG) with Cotton Bacon Prime.
For the current year 2020 the The Flavourist team, in a completely exceptional way, has decided to deal at least for what concerns the reviews of e-liquids and aromas, only tobacco products, also establishing a special award (#VITA Prize – Vape Italian Tobacco Award) reserved for this category so much appreciated and widespread in Italy.
So why today are we going to talk to you about the Cacao aroma manufactured by Blendfeel? Because after having kindly received it from the manufacturer and appropriately tasted it, we realized how much this aroma is so close and comparable (as well as combinable) to a real tobacco aroma. The Blendfeel cocoa extract is the closest in our opinion to a real tobacco e-juice even though it is absolutely not a tobacco.
The Cacao aroma belongs to a line called “Coloniali” and is sold in the form of a 10 ml concentrated aroma to be mixed at 10% in a recommended base 40 PG/ 50 VG/ 10 H2O or in a 50/50 base.
The “Colonial” aromas, according to what the manufacturer tells us, are natural extracts from the best raw materials of products from far countries but which have long been present in our everyday culture, products that draw from past history and the colonial era.
Blendfeel officially describes its Cacao aroma as follows:
Lo abbiamo individuato per primo, il cacao proveniente dal Madagascar, con le sue piantagioni assolate nelle quali con pazienza e tanto lavoro i semi migliori di un frutto particolarissimo vengono fatti fermentare per poi essiccare solo al sole del giorno, riparati dalla umidità della notte e alla fine diffusi in Europa nella val di Rodano per essere infine raffinati dai migliori produttori olandesi.
We first identified cocoa from Madagascar, with its sunny plantations in which with patience and a lot of work the best seeds of a very particular fruit are fermented and then dried only in the sun of the day, sheltered from the humidity of the night and at the end spread in Europe in the Rodano Valley to be finally refined by the best Dutch producers.
On the smell Cacao immediately lays bare and unhesitatingly shows its incredible fidelity to the delicate but at the same time dry and bitter hints of a dried cocoa bean. Honestly, there is little to dwell and argue on the smell analysis of this aroma, because it is a cocoa bean extract and as such smells of cocoa. It is very inviting therefore we also place high hopes on the vape test.
For the vape test we decided to use two German atomizers, the Expromizer V3 Fire di ExVape and the 4.5 S version by Flash e-Vapor.
The olfactory sensations are not betrayed by the vape test that it returns to us, it is good to make it clear right away, a very good and above all a unique e-liquid, because in our memory, we believe it is the first time ever that we are in front of a cocoa extract. In many years of vaping and tests carried out, there will have passed under the nose and on the palate an infinite number of creamy and tobacco products with more or less chocolaty bases, but never pure cocoa.
There is a huge difference between cocoa and chocolate: chocolate, unless you are referring to extra-dark chocolate with cocoa mass percentages greater than 75%, is soft and sweet, at least it is what it is synthesized and/or extracted for the vaping industry, cocoa is definitely not. Have you ever tried to taste pure cocoa bean flakes? If you have, then you have understood what we are talking about.
Blendfeel Cacao manages not to lose the aromatic qualities of pure cocoa, and throughout the arc of the vape it appears rather dry and penetrating on the palate, showing in this sense in our opinion its “tobacco” soul.
It fascinates a lot both if tasted in pure MTL at low wattages (13-15 watts with the Expromizer), and at more generous powers, between 18 and 22 watts with the Fev 4.5 S. In the first case you can better appreciate everything its aromaticity, in the second it gives it more sprint making it more toasted and slightly darker.
It is very pleasant and satisfying to be able to grasp puff after puff the delicate and intense flavor that combines with that bitterish tip typical of a real cocoa bean.
Can we therefore consider the Cacao aroma by Blendfeel 100% faithful from the aromatic point of view to the origin raw material? Unfortunately not because in our opinion this extract cannot completely shake off the naturally sweet aftertaste of the components of its base; propylene glycol and even more vegetable glycerol ultimately leave a not negligible imprint within the e-liquid ready to vape.
Cacao by Blendfeel is a new product that deserves to be discovered, tested both in purity and possibly combined with a tobacco blend; It is easy to imagine it for example together with a Kentucky, but for our part we can only hope that Blendfeel itself will propose it as soon as possible combined with a single tobacco or even a blend of tobaccos.
Suggested dilution: 10%
Steeping time: ready to vape, recommended 4-5 days
Pro: For lovers of organic tobaccos, an excellent variant on the theme to be used also in blends with organic tobaccos
Cons: It lacks that extra bit of bitterness that would have made it 100% faithful to the origin raw material