Cobra is a fruity “organic” aroma entirely Made in Italy.
Lord Hero is currently producing seven other aromas: Malibu (fruity), Scorpion (fruity), T-Rex (sweet-creamy), Sexy Queen (fruity), Monkey (fruity), Black Widow (fruity) and Puffetta (“Smurfette”, fruity).
Producer’s website mentions it as a worthy rival of the most famous Red Astaire (T-Juice), but in my opinion, for how much one can hate Red Astaire, the comparison is honestly impossible, both because Red Astaire is, in good and bad terms (and it will b for a long time) a symbolic and textbook liquid in the international vaping scene, and also because Cobra barely reminds of Red Astaire’s flavour.
Of the “berry aromas” which dominate in a captivating mix, sweetened by a good dose of caramel, honestly there’s not much, and this way Cobra reveals more of a dry and sour taste (especially on the inhale), which tends to dissolve mildly on the exhale when the spicy/floral notes emerge, such as aniseed and menthol.
Globally this aroma appears to be very flavoured (characteristic of the brand, even in small doses), quite dull and, in my opinion, barely “organic”…
In the end, I think is a very vapable aroma because it’s not that pesky, but it’s far away from those Red Astaire comparisons.
PS/ I recommend to not exceed in dosage, because it can be quite sickening and annoying during a whole day.
Recommended dilution: 7-9%
Steeping time: 4-5 days.