
As I’ve never tried the ultimate American e-liquids by Five Pawns I must say that I had high expectations of this aroma, a clone of the original “Gambit”. Unfortunately I have been bitterly disappointed as I tasted and vaped the aroma.
What was supposed to be, according to the producer’s description, a kind of apple pie with caramel, enriched by a French vanilla ice-cream with whipped cream, turned out to be, in my opinion, something completely different…
A strong and sharp taste of cooked (too cooked or maybe burned) apples predominates in the mix and overshadows the other ingredients, so that one would think the vaping system is not properly fed; after many attempts one realizes that’s the very characteristic taste of this aroma…
Sadly, Gambit apple will soon gather dust with others “not-to-buy-again” liquids…

UPDATED ON 10/08/15: after a long steeping the strong cooked apple taste tends to fade (thankfully), but that doesn’t improve the overall taste of the e-liquid; the flavouring notes of the various ingredients which compose the mix seem to be too amalgamated and not well distinguishable.


Recommended dilution: 5-8%

Steeping time: 5 to 8 days

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