
Review Aroma: Clodomir (814 Histoire d’E-Liquides) 10 ml

Item: 16S1701

Expiration Date: 06/2017

Base used: PG 46 – 46 VG – 8 H2O

Nico: 0mg / ml

Devices: Ipv mini V2 + the Tobh Atty dualcoil (SS316L 0,46mm 25awg) 0.22 ohms with Japanese organic cotton.

Clodomir, the aroma being reviewed today, is described thus:

A équilibre parfait de fruits rouges sur une pointe acidulée. A subtil mélange de cassis, de mûre et de pomme verte.
A perfect balance of red fruit with a sour toe. A subtle blend of black currant, blackberry and apple green.

Clodomir Clodomiro was a Frankish king of the Merovingian dynasty. He reigned from 511 a.c. the valley of the Loire (his legacy payable), following the assassination of his father Cloveo.

To smell the delicate bouquet seems supported by the slight scent of green apple. Very light shades evoke the natural smell of wild blackberry. Very credible and actually supported by most acids hints from less clear olfactory reading. We take it for certain that it is the currants. The assembly perceptible smell is very special. Smells of fruit in its natural state. Only the apple makes us think of sliced fruit. The scent that is generated from the cutting of a green apple. These sensations are amplified by dripping. Brushing the coil.

At SVAPO however, the scene is dominated by suction, sober elegance of a blackberry and currant, in its own well-distinguishable. The apple is a tail note. Useful to contain an acidity, let’s say, well measured.

The feelings that I feel svapando Clodomir are actually mixed. From a certain point of view I realize svapare a very simple mix. Successful, but nothing sophisticated. Another point of view, much more technical and mature, it reminds me of the many interpretations try in SVAPO, of these ingredients now offered by 814 Histoire d’E-Liquides. I can not deny that after years of SVAPO my expectations are often the ones to discover particularly structured bouquet, unpublished associsazioni and the use of unusual molecules. The desire to discover something new can still be created and proposed. Well, in this case, for Clodomir, the quality level is reached to hit. Remember that it is the naturalness of the aromatic notes to make the quality, especially of an aroma.

The fruity aromas of 814 Histoire d’E-Liquides express a very natural character. Almost bland and sweetness never over the top. A modest consisting of freshly picked blackberries and currants, garnished with thin slices of green apple. A simple combination, but unfounded tasty.


The mix of blackberry and currant soprende for tasty mobidezza made to svapata. With 814 we are far cry from the simulation style “berry” has always proposed by other brands. We are on a much more natural and elegant territories. We do not perceive shades of gum arabic or associations generally “candy”. Fruit.

Aspiration can immediately recall clearly the benefits stated in the description. The degree of non-excessive sweetness, the lack of molecular tricks that go beyond the perfect balance of ingredients, qualifying 814 Histoire d’E-Liquides, as a mark of excellence worthy of note. An unknown brand in Italy, until our JokerKappa not insisted on recensirne aromas here in The Flavourist. It is not the first time that this happens, but in the case of 814 Histoire d’E-Liquides we are well proud to bear this in mind with sympathy.

The svapata (duty to report it) is strongly influenced by temperature, and for this I suggest moderation. It is a fruity true. The aroma does not spoil its purity, but the warm feeling sore bride with these delicate notes. If you notice that during the svapata emerge hints of herbs, your atom is heating up too much, or you have a setup too pushed for a fruity breed and quality.

For those wishing to make more vigorously at Clodomir, a few drops of koolada and sucralose may suffice. But it would be a shame. Do not miss the chance, at least in the fruity kind, to demand quality and adherence to scents and natural flavors. 814 Histoire d’E-Liquides suggests a walk through the meadows of the Loire valley, in harmony with the scents and colors of spring and the summer that this region expresses and evokes. Simplicity and naturalness. Expect nothing from Clodomir.

Suggested dilution: 20% as suggested by the manufacturer.

Maturing time: 7 days


ico 4

Pros: Natural and simple. Balanced and tasty.

Cons: At SVAPO green apple is little expressive its perceived odor.