
As stated by the producer, Jack the Ripple is a flavour concentrate based on the English classic raspberry variegate vanilla ice cream.

This concentrate is particularly suited for those who prefer creamy buttery flavours with a marked vanilla taste. The sweetness of the vanilla is faded by the rather sharp raspberry – remember that vanilla based concentrates become sweeter and lose their sharpness the longer they steep. The buttery hint gives the pleasant sensation of a richer vapour. On vaping, it has a warm, comforting effect, what for me is called a typically “wintery” taste.
Those who don’t like this sort of flavours could taste an awkward strong hints of egg – as defined by some vapers.
Honestly this concentrate is not one of the best of the English brand, although very well mixed and balanced; sure it’s a vapable flavour, but not an exceptional one.


Recommended dilution: 7-10%

Steeping time: at least 7 days

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