decima liquid logo

Name and Format: Orion (Decima E-liquid) – concentrated flavour 20 ml in a 60 ml bottle – received by the manufacturer

Batch: n.a.

Nico: 0 mg/ml

Declared base: 45 PG / 55VG

Expiry date: n.a.

Devices:Vaporesso Gen 220W + Steam Crave Aromamizer Lite RTA single coil 0,5 ohm (Kanthal A1 24 awg 0,5 mm) con Vapefly Cotton Cloud

The coldest months of the year are the best to taste and thick and creamy e-liquids, no doubt, but sometime also in these days it’s a good and stimulating idea to try fruity liquid, it can be an excellent solution for our taste buds, a valid autumn intermezzo between a creamy e-juice and the next. For this reason today we decided to tell you about a fruity e-liquid, bringing on the table one of the latest creations of the Decima E-Liquid company: Orion.

We have already widely spoken about Decima on our blog; a Sicilian manufacturer specializing in high quality premium liquids and the innate sense of naturalness that they are able to convey. Not tentatively, this company was awarded several times at International Vape E-liquid Award by The Flavourist.

Also Orion is an e-liquid from the Galactic Steam Series line of which we have already reviewed Abduction (Best 2018 Italian Fruity E-juice), Final Space, The Visit and Space Invasion. Galactic Steam Series is a line of fruity and fresh aromatic shots suitable for the summer season (easy unicorn 60 ml bottles containing 20 ml of glycolic aroma). Exuberant to the senses of taste and smell lemon and mandarin restore the integrity of the flavor-aroma of the fruit from which they derive. Balanced and delicate mix of exotic and halogen fruits complete the series.

Decima Orion

Orion is thus described on the official website of the manufacturer:

Le note dolci dell’arancia e dell’albicocca fanno da contraltare a quelle lievemente amare ed acidule del tamarindo, aroma intenso e voluttuoso con note rotonde ed eleganti. Gusto non convenzionale, la svapata ha sentore carnoso e passionale che esalta le papille gustative.

The sweet notes of orange and apricot are the counterpart to the slightly bitter and acidulous notes of tamarind, an intense and voluptuous aroma with round and elegant notes. Unconventional taste, the puff has a fleshy and passionate scent that enhances the taste buds.

The manufacturer description strikes me because, among the elements of the recipe is mentioned the tamarind, a tropical fruit originating from East Africa and India, but now widely distributed throughout South America and also in tropical Asian areas. Never before had I come across an e-liquid with the presence of tamarind; and therefore the tasting promises to be very interesting …

arancia rossa


I begin the usual smell test by combining my nostrils with the bottle, and immediately I perceive a very pleasant blend of sweet and delicate aromas with others that are more energetic and bitter. Precisely in these last ones, I recognize a clear citrus fruit matrix, which penetrates my nostrils with a certain incisiveness, while I cannot trace clear notes that can be distinguished within the softer and rounder hints of the entire score. I still get the aromatic fusion that comes out of this elegant weave.

Will they be aware of the excellent olfactory premisses to be perfectly reflected even in the vape test?

The atomizer chosen for this test is once again the surprising and perhaps slightly underestimated Steam Crave Aromamizer Lite, a rebuildable 23 mm atomizer able to express itself at best with different types of e-liquids expecially in flavor chasing vape.

Steam Crave Aromamizer Lite


On Vape Orion is immediately presented as a new recipe to be discovered. From the first puff I perceive aromatic flavors and timbres that I had never before been fortunate to perceive. It is evident that behind these new and stimulating aromatic perceptions there is the tamarind hand, and for someone like me who had never come across this fruit directly, it is a truly surprising discovery!

In inspiration a mix of sweet-acidulous nuances makes its way with extreme refinement, slowly settling on an impertinent citrus fruit background. The puff is lively, ample, stimulating, astute.


As mentioned for smell test even at vaping, it is not easy to identify all the aromatic elements that fill every single puff, but not because the bouquet is confused and messy indeed, I think more because the tamarind is actually a fruit unknown to the most of people. So if in the citrusy background it is easy to be able to distinguish all the characteristics of a delicate and never too sour orange, I can only guess that behind the acrobatic twirling, spicy and with thin acidulous tips, hides the pulp of the tamarind pods.

The sensory experience is very bright, rich and varied, and even in the heart of the vape I notice a consolidation of initial perceptions, perhaps with a greater presence of sweet components, almost endowed with unusual creamy shades.

Tamarindo frutto

The puff at this stage seems more full-bodied and more intense, and gives on the taste buds a soft mix of polyhedral flavors, which gently fluctuate from lively hints of hibiscus flowers to more shady notes of wild musk. In the tail and in the discreet post-vape aromatic persistence, the orange aroma is reaffirmed with new vital lymph, supported in my opinion by very slight shades of lychee; the whole is enhanced by an almost imperceptible ice touch that leaves the palate with a very pleasant coolness sensation at the end of the puff.

With Orion the Decima boys showed great courage mastering with wisdom a recipe far from trivial, based on the great novelty of the tamarind fruit. The result is an elegant fruity mix with exotic tones and an amazing swing of shades. Well done!

Suggested dilution: 33%

Steeping time: ready to vape

ico 4

Pro: Very elegant exotic fruity tamarind-based mix.

Cons: The notes of tamarind cover the taste of the apricot.